Making Turns - Practice Test

Permit Practice Test on Turning and Turn Signals in Florida

This Permit Practice addresses how to turn properly and how to use your turn signals. To prepare for this practice test you should have reviewed Making Turns Videos and Tutorials.

Below are questions about proper turning techniques in Florida in the form of multiple choice just like on the Florida Permit Test. As you answer each question you will learn the correct answer so you can learn by taking the test.

1. Most car accidents happen at intersections. What are steps you can take to avoid a crash while turning?

You should:

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Turning a corner properly is important as most car accidents happen at intersections. Here are the DMV's tips on making a safe turn:

1) Slow down to a safe turning speed; 2) Move to the correct lane as you get close to the intersection; 3) Activate your turn signal at least 100 feet before making your turn; 4) Do not turn on "No Turn on Red" or "Stop Here" signs; 5) Stay in the proper lane during your turn; 6) Yield the right-of-way to vehicles and bicycles coming from any direction; and 7) Finish your turn in the proper lane.

2. If you realize at the last minute you need to make a turn and you're not in the proper lane what should you do?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Never make last minute decisions to turn, instead drive to the next intersection and then make the turn from the proper lane.

3. What is the proper lane for turning right?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: If you are turning right you should be in right lane closest to the curb and complete your turn in the same lane.

4.How far in advance do you need to signal you are turning?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: You must give a turn signal for at least 100 feet before you make your turn.

5. You are driving down a road and need to turn your vehicle around, when can you use the 3-point turn?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Use a three-point turn only if the road is too narrow for a U-turn and you can't go around the block. Never make a three-point turn or a U-turn on a curve, a hill, the highway, or where there is a sign that prohibits U-turns.

6. If your turn signals are broken you are required to use "hand signals." To take a left turn what is the correct way to signal using your arm?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: To signal that you are turning left put your left arm straight out to your left.

7. What is the proper hand signal to show that you are stopping or slowing down?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: To signal that you are slowing down or stopping put your left arm out the window and bend it down towards the ground.

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