Passing - Practice Test

Permit Practice Test on Passing Rules and Regulations in Florida

This Permit Practice addresses Passing rules and regulations. To prepare for this practice test you should have reviewed Passing Videos and Tutorials.

Below are questions about Passing in Florida in the form of multiple choice just like on the Florida Permit Test. As you answer each question you will learn the correct answer so you can learn by taking the test.

1. You're driving behind a slow car going under the speed limit, how do you know when it's safe to pass?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: You won't have to speed to pass the car, there's only one car to pass, and there's no oncoming cars. It is not legal to exceed the speed limit while passing. Passing multiple vehicles is dangerous.

2. After you safely start passing a car before returning to the right lane what should you do?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: All of the above. Do not return to the right lane until you see the front tires of the car you passed in your rear-view mirror. You must return to the right side of the road before coming within 200 feet of any vehicle coming from the opposite direction.

3. When a car starts to pass you what should you do?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Do not speed up and move to the right side of your lane. When moving to the right side of your lane it gives passing drivers more room and a better view of the road ahead.

4. As you approach an intersection with a green light there is a slow car in front of you, since the light is green is it okay to go around the car in the intersection?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: No, you should not pass any vehicles within 100 feet of intersections. It is very dangerous as they can be slowing down for pedestrians, bicyclists or other vehicles that you cannot see.

5. What are locations where you cannot pass within 100 feet?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Do not pass within 100 feet of a bridge, viaduct, tunnel, railroad crossing, or intersection.

6. Cars are stopped on the highway; can you pass them on the right shoulder if it is clear?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: It's against Florida Law to pass on the right shoulder. Never pull off the road to pass someone. Only pass on the right if it's a multi-lane road and you are passing in a right lane (not the shoulder.)

7. When can you pass?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Passing is allowed on a single broken white line. You may cross this line to change lanes when it is safe to do so.

8. When is it safe to pass on hills or curves?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: You can pass when the road is clear for 500 feet or farther on a hill or curve.

9. A vehicle in front of you wants to change lanes and get in front of your vehicle how do you respond?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: If needed gradually slow down to make room for them.

10. Driving down a highway with a divided raised barrier you see a School Bus on the opposite side of the barrier with a stop sign out, what should you do?

Incorrect: Please try again.

Correct: Keep driving. If the highway is divided by a raised barrier or an unpaved median at least five feet wide, you do not have to stop if you are moving in the opposite direction of the School Bus.

You only stop when you're driving in the same direction as the School Bus.

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