How to Get Your Illinois Driving Record

The fastest way to obtain your Illinois driving record is through the Driving Record Abstract system. You'll need a valid credit/debit card, a printer capable of handling PDFs and payment of the $20 fee plus a processing charge. The record you receive online is certified and identical to one obtained in person or by mail.

You can also visit a Driver Services facility to complete an Abstract Request Form. After paying the $20 fee (plus a $1 card processing fee, if applicable), you'll receive your record immediately.

If you prefer mail, send a completed request form, a $20 check or money order and the required personal details to the address listed. Processing by mail takes approximately 10 business days.

For more details or assistance, contact the Secretary of State's Abstract Information Unit at 217-782-2720, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed on state holidays).