Passing - Florida Permit Test

Learn how to pass safely and when passing is not allowed.

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Passing can be very dangerous and there are steps to follow to safely pass.

There are situations where passing is not allowed and passing would be extra dangerous.

Review the guides below on Passing Safely and When is Passing Not Permitted and watch the videos. Then we recommend you take the Practice Test on Passing to determine if you understand the topic.

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Passing Guidelines

Passing Safely Guide

Passing can be very dangerous and there are steps to follow to safely pass. You must stay within the speed limit to pass and it is very dangerous to pass more than one vehicle at a time.

When is Passing Not Permitted

There are situations where passing is not allowed and very dangerous. Do not pass within 100 feet of a bridge, intersection, railroad crossing or tunnel.

Passing Safely

Passing can be very dangerous and there are steps to follow to safely pass.

Note: It is against the law to speed to pass you must stay within the speed limit when passing.

It's very dangerous to pass more than one vehicle at a time.

Here are the Steps to Pass Safely:

Being Passed

If you are being passed do not increase your speed. Move to the right side of your lane to give the other driver more room and a better view.

Cars Changing Lanes

If a vehicle ahead of you is trying to change lanes and get in front of your vehicle you should slow down and make room for them if necessary.

When is Passing Not Permitted

There are situations where passing is not allowed and passing would be extra dangerous.

Do not pass within 100 feet of a bridge, viaduct, railroad crossing, intersection, or tunnel.

No Passing Zone

A "No Passing Zone" sign indicates you are entering a no passing zone.

Going Around Curves

Curved roads may be marked with a sign such as Right Curve, Double Curve, Winding Roads, or Sharp Right Turn. In all these situations passing is not permitted.

Passing on the Right

Passing on the right is only permitted when passing on a highway with 2 or more lanes.

Pulling off the Road

Do not pull off the road on the right to pass - it's against the law.

Single Solid Line

Do not pass on a single solid line.

Double Sided Solid Line

Do not pass on a double sided solid line such as a double yellow line.

Hills and Curves

Do not pass on hills and curves if you can't see 500 feet ahead.

School Bus

Do not pass a School Bus with a stop sign out.


Do not pass at a crosswalk when a another vehicle is stopped letting a pedestrian cross the road.