Road Signs - Florida Permit Test

Regulatory signs control traffic; they set limits or give commands and are enforceable by law.

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To pass the Permit Test you must be able to read and understand Road Signs and Pavement Markings. We have organized the Road Signs into the categories as they appear in the Florida Drivers Handbook.

We recommend you review all the signs and spend a little extra time on those that you don't instantly understand.

Florida Road Signs and Pavement Markings - Guides and Practice Tests

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Caution Zones

Caution zone signs alert you to things like a school crossing, a railroad crossing, a drawbridge, or construction. Understanding caution zone signs is critical for your safety and the safety or people in school cross walks, and construction zones. In addition, as speeding fines are doubled in School Zones and Construction you should follow the posted speed limits.

Regulatory Signs

Regulatory signs are the most common sign you encounter daily. They control traffic; they set limits or give commands and are enforceable by law.

Pavement Markings

Pavement Markings are lines, symbols, and words that are painted on roadways to help direct drivers and control traffic flow. You must know what the different lines, colors, and symbols mean and obey them.

Warning Signs

Warning signs give you advance notice of possible hazards and alert you to drive with caution.

Note: Source of all the signs and definitions below is the 2017 Florida Drivers Handbook

Stop Sign

You must bring your vehicle to a complete halt at the stop line. If there is no stop line, stop before entering the crosswalk. If there is no marked crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection at a point near the intersecting roadway where you have a clear view of approaching traffic.

Stop Sign

4-Way Stop

Traffic from all four directions must stop. The first vehicle to reach the intersection should move forward first. If two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the right.

4-Way Stop


You must slow down and give vehicles crossing your path the right-of-way. If the way is clear, you may move forward slowly without stopping.


Do Not Enter

On one-way streets and roadways that you are not allowed to enter. You may see this sign if you enter an expressway ramp in the wrong direction. Turn around!

Stop Sign

Wrong Way

You are going the wrong way on an expressway exit ramp. Do not drive past this sign! Turn around immediately.

Wrong Way

No Passing

You are entering a no passing zone.

No Passing

Pass with Care

You are allowed to pass, but do so with caution.

Pass with Care

NO symbol

Red circle with red slash. The sign shows what you are not allowed to do.

NO symbol

No U-Turn

You cannot make a complete turn to go in the opposite direction where this sign is displayed.

No U-Turn

No Right Turn

You must not make a right turn at this intersection.

No Right Turn

Speed Limit

Your speed must not exceed the posted speed in this area.

Speed Limit

Speeding Fines Doubled

Posted in active school and work zones. Your fines will be doubled if you are cited for speeding in this area.

Speeding Fines Doubled

Must Turn

You cannot go straight ahead. You must turn either to the right or left.

Must Turn

One Way

You may travel only in the direction of the arrow.

One Way

Divided Highway Ahead

Stay to the right of the divider.

Divided Highway Ahead

No Turn on Red

You may not turn right or left during the red light. You must wait for the green signal.

No Turn on Red

Left Lane Must Turn

Traffic in left lane must turn left at the intersection ahead (also Right Lane Must Turn).

Left Lane Must Turn

Turn Lanes

At the intersection ahead, traffic in left lane must turn left and traffic in adjoining lane may turn left or continue straight ahead.

Turn Lanes

No Turns

You must not turn either to the right or to the left at this intersection.

No Turns

Center Turn Lane

The center lane is shared for left turns in both directions of travel.

Center Turn Lane

Begin Right Turn

When entering a right turn lane you may encounter bicyclists traveling straight; you must yield to the bicyclists.

Begin Right Turn

Exit Speed

This sign lists the maximum recommended safe speed for an exit ramp on an expressway. Slow down to the posted speed.

Exit Speed

Slower Traffic Keep Right

Slower driving traffic must stay in right hand lane unless passing. Slower traffic must move out of left hand lane when being overtaken by a faster vehicle.

Slower Traffic Keep Right

Restricted Lane Ahead

A diamond-shaped marking shows that a lane is reserved for certain purposes or certain vehicles, such as buses or car-pool vehicles during rush hour traffic. Also used in bike lanes.

Restricted Lane Ahead

Emergency Stopping Only

You must only stop for emergencies.

Emergency Stopping Only

No Parking on Pavement

If you stop, you must always park off the pavement of the highway.

No Parking on Pavement

Parking by Disabled Permit Only

Parking in this space is only for vehicles displaying an official disabled parking permit and transporting a person with a disability.

Parking by Disabled Permit Only

Move Over

When approaching stopped emergency or service vehicles with flashing lights, you must move over or reduce speed to 20 mph below posted limit.

Move Over